Life is Fragile Prayer Box
Life is Fragile Prayer Box
Getting sober is only a small portion of our recovery. The rest is learning how to align our will to God’s will in the fragile moments. Don’t let up on the spiritual side of the program. We learn to kneel and pray. We learn to write and let go. We learn to participate with our Higher Power in the fragile moments of life. We give our attention to Him and what He would have us do. We now let the God, of our understanding, direct us.
Twelve Step programs are spiritual in their design. We as Alcoholics/Addicts must turn our attention to something other than human aid and for us to let go of the controls we think we have over people, place, and things. For the most part we can pray, light candles, meditate, or go to spiritual retreats to learn how to turn it over to a Higher Power. However, in recovery we learn the power of pen to paper. Therefore, we have God Boxes. The boxes are a tool to set your prayers, goals, pain, fear, ambitions, ad infinitum. We learn to turn it over by writing it down and putting it in a box. We learn to let go and let God.