What’s An NA Cleantime Chip?
Like the AA chip, the NA Cleantime Chip is a token or medallion given to members of Narcotics Anonymous to signify specific lengths of staying clean, often defined as totally abstaining from any and all consciousness-altering drugs. Narcotics Anonymous, founded in 1953, is described on its webpage as a “society of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem.” Members of Narcotics Anonymous employ the 12-step model originally developed by Alcoholics Anonymous for people with various substance use disorders. Narcotics Anonymous is believed to be the second largest 12-Step fellowship in the country (Wiki). Its has been successfully used by a growing population of people who have been able to totally abstain from drugs for years, one day at a time. Its membership continues to grow.
The design of the NA Cleantime Chip enhanced by The Latest Thing is unique. NA Cleantime Chips are available in gold or nickel plate, in two-colored or bi-plated metals, and crystallized. The crystallized bi-plated medallion’s beauty makes it a popular choice. For example, the NA Cleantime Girly-girl Rainbow chip uses two diamonds, the larger one encircled by the words, “Self,” “God,” “Service” and “Society,” signifying the four foundations of the NA program. Inside the larger diamond, jewel-colored crystals ranging from amber to lavender enclose a second diamond, within which a Roman numeral glistens, identifying the length of abstinence. These charming, memorable medallions are available in a variety of designs, from crystallized Gold-on-Gold to Tri-Plate Black, Silver and Gold. These medallions can be carried on a keychain, slipped into a pocketbook, or set in a special place in the home.
Living Clean: The Journey Continues. World Service Conference, 2012.
“Narcotics Anonymous,” Wikipedia. Accesses 9/3/2021.
Narcotics Anonymous, 6th edition, World Service Conference, 2008.